Friday, January 18, 2013

A vacuum for Christmas???


I will admit it. When +John-Isaac Clark bought me a Roomba for Christmas, I was...umm...disappointed. Yay. Since I love cleaning so much, I should get cleaning gear for Christmas. haha

You know those kids that open gifts and then cry or throw it because they don't like it? Then you see their parents tell their kid to say "Thank you." Even though you have had the talk with your kid before people come over on how to be polite. NO MATTER WHAT YOU GET-ACT LIKE YOU LIKE IT. EVEN IF YOU DON'T! Well, I felt like that kid.

I guess I just didn't quite get it or believe that it would help me in any way.

But let me tell you...this thing kicks ass. I have been using this bad boy since Christmas and it is incredible. Saves me so much time in this 4300 sq ft house.

I literally do not have to sweep anymore! It is awesome.

I pick up the toys, turn on Roomba, and then mop when it is done.

So thanks husband. You did good. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


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